Thinking about getting a Tat...some INK! I've been thinking about this for a long time, actually. I now know what I want...I just need to work out the details, colors, size and placement.
The idea is a Hula girl...not the traditional dark-haired girl but, a blonde one. I can imagine how shocking that must seem...but, yes, MY hula girl is blonde. I want a coconut bra, grass skirt...maybe a Lei...not so sure about that just yet. I'm hoping to be able to get this decided and make an appointment to get it done for my birthday. My original idea had been a birthday party at our house, "CLINK & INK" I thought that was a GREAT idea! And then we realized tattoo artists, good ones, will not work in houses for liability reasons. So, it's off to the parlor for me.
I'm getting inked.
At 46. Better late than never.
My friend, CT Matey, once said to me, "a tattoo is a waste of perfectly good skin."
I like to think it's making a small patch of skin a bit more interesting, not wasted at all.
It'll be interesting for sure!
I think you're gonna chicken out though...
We shall see...
i won't "chicken" out. i might not be able to decide on the exact design....that's the problem.
finding the right design...
what's the time limit on finding the right design before I can officially categorize it as chickening out?
Dear God, if it's interesting that's your goal...
Go for the full body one!
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