Just a random pic of The Girl...taken in the back yard, spring 2007. I don't think she knew I took that picture....I'm sure she'll be pleased that I've posted it!
So much time has passed since my last post that I don't have any idea where to start!
The Girl and I (mostly her) have been doing a lot of yard-work. We pulled out shrubs/bushes, weed-whacked, mowed, planted, mulched and used a blower. As I write this, I realize how little of this I have actually done. It's all her. And it looks great...I wish I had photo's to post (I will soon.)
We have decided The Girl needs a new car. Her commute is 60 miles per day and her Tribute is a gas beast. We have looked at Honda's Fit, Toyota's Corolla and Yaris. The Prius is what I think we both really want to get, however, the price is almost double the other options. And this car is really just to commute and keep the gas cost as low as possible. We actually put a deposit on a Honda Fit last weekend but have since decided to try and sell The Girl's car first and then buy. It's a nightmare process, as anyone who has ever bought a car knows. These sales-people talk and double-talk so much you agree to anything just to get the hell out of there!
I talked to Gretchen on the phone for the first time in, oh, about 10 months. 3 days later I receive a 4 page letter from her that was quite odd. Guess I won't be talking to Gretch anymore!
The Vegas trip is fast approaching and we have decided to see Le Reve. This is what they say about Le Reve:
French for "the dream," Le Rêve is a stunning journey of the soul. Through amazing acrobatics, aquatics and even flight, it explores concepts of damnation, redemption, lust, love, loss and laughter.
Tax Hell seems like a distant memory. What I'm left with is more a a Tax Heck. Tax Hell Lite. We have 3 audits going on, I'm working on a new client that hasn't filed corporate or personal taxes since 2004 and some other things that are more aggravating than heavy-lifting. It's good to have the work though. Every client I talk to is complaining about NOT having work....not getting paid.
I turn 46 this coming Saturday. That sounds old. I guess I am getting old. The Girl is 37.
She says that makes ME a cougar!
I'm probably also in BIG trouble for posting the above picture.
Oh well. :)
Happy almost Birthday!! (note to self: do not send rp long strange letters)
Rebecca called Jackie Warner a cougar! Wow, you and Jackie Warner in the same "cat" agory!
Rest assured, KC, the only way you'd ever send ME the kind of long, strange letter I got this week would be in the BIZARO WORLD.
Do you get that reference? : )
Alison does!
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld, a big Superman fan, peppered his Seinfeld TV show (NBC, 1988- ) with Superman references. When the sitcom Jerry is pitching a sitcom pilot to NBC, his pal George decides they should get at least as much as Ted Danson, but his negotiating skills result in, first, the pilot being cancelled, and then, reinstated for less money. Jerry berates him with, "You don't negotiate to get a lower salary! That's negotiation on the Bizarro World!"
In a later episode, ex-girlfreind Elaine meets someone who is just like Jerry, only courteous and informed on matters other than Superman and cartoons. Jerry refers to him as the "Bizarro Jerry." Elaine discovers this is too true when she visits the Bizarro Jerry's apartment, a cleaner mirror image of Jerry's, and his friends, versions of George and Kramer who behave exactly the opposite or Jerry's friends. At the end of the episode, we see the Bizarro Newman giving ballet tickets to the Bizarro Jerry and his friends, leading a group hug and the Bizarro Jerry proclaiming, "Me so happy, me could cry!"
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