Meet Sammy. Sammy likes to sit in the bathroom sink. She'll sit there all day if you let her. It's not like she has anywhere to GO...or anything else to DO (except sleep.) Sammy likes running water. She has a bowl of fresh water on the floor next to her food dish. That water, for some reason, is not good enough for her. Running water seems to be the key. She drinks the running water from the bathroom sink as if she's on the verge of dehydration!
For laughs, sometimes while Sammy's sitting in the sink, waiting with baited breath for the water to magically start running, I'll put the water on FULL-FORCE!
Let me tell ya, that cat can RUN!
1 comment:
I'll turn the water on full force..
Yeah, this is what happens when a dog person is left alone with the cat persons cat!
I'm picturing doing that with you when you're sucking the Redi-whip whipped cream out of it's container!! Push the nozzle all the way, so it's FULL FORCE!
But you wouldn't run away would would like it!!~
If cats could talk, they'd go to "THe Girl" the second she got home and tell on you! ... oh wait, you just told on yourself!
Matey, don't you go trying the whipped cream thing with the cat either!
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