The Girl and her Cats!
It was so hot out when I took this pic, I wanted to jump into that fountain.
Us at M&M World
She's a natural daredevil.
The BlueMen freak me out a little.
I prefer Mini-Golf....I LOVE the windmill!
The Girl and Jessica Simpson...I have to say, not Madame Tussauds best effort.
The Girl in Fake Paris. It was very cute there. Just like her!
We went, we saw, we played, we ate and we came home and BOTH got sick! The Girl and I are not great travelers. I had to go the dr and get the meds (HELLO Prednisone!) and The Girl is feeling like crap and running a fever (she still will work and most likely mow the lawn). The pictures show us when we were young, carefree and still had our health! Before Vegas kicked us in the ass.....
The pics are great, and what do you mean with Jess Simp? I think she looks fab!
I didn't think the Jessica Simpson wax was as good as some of the others....maybe too tanned? Not sure. The eyes are freaky though!
All I know is...daddy likey!! ;) LOL
You 2 are stoops and Jessica Simpson does look great... in the picture anyway - looks just like her but my fave was Rhonda strangling George!
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