Well, another one is done. It seems like there will never be enough time and then, boom...done. Every year I say, "That's IT...I don't have another tax season in me." But, as it turns out, I do. I finished the LAST return a half hour ago. I have been trying to finish it for about a week now...I kept calling the client and leaving messages. Today at NOON, she finally calls back...she's in EUROPE! Just lollygagging her way across Europe....not really concerned about her taxes. Ok, guess I should stop worrying about it too. She can pick them up tomorrow, Not my problem anymore.
I'm off till next Tuesday. "Till Tuesday"...good name for a band, huh? (that's how burnt out I am, making LAME-O till tuesday jokes!)
What else can I say about TaxSeason 08? It was great to be with The Girl (this was our first real tax season together.) She really picked up the slack around the house...doing all the laundry, food shopping...just taking care of everything. She's a true "partner" in every sense of the word. Though, as a rule I'm not crazy about that word. Sounds very officious to me. Not at all Twinkley. And I'm all about the Twinkley!
Tomorrow I have a massage and pedicure. The Girl is a massage therapist.
Serioulsy, how lucky am I??
Oy, you're so sentimental
or maybe you're just mental
glad tax hell is over
Me Matey is back!
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