Thursday, April 3, 2008

Alec, Billy, Stephen and Daniel

Ok, so I wake up 5:30ish because TaxHell can't start too early. I had a dream that I was in a diner. The diner was long, narrow and very shiny. I was standing near the counter, watching the television that was up on the wall. I seem to remember it being steamy or cloudy in there, not sure which. Anyhoo, who comes walking up to me but Alexc Baldwin! He was in a tuxedo and he seemed to be in character from 30 Rock. As Alec (first name basis, he WAS in my dream!) approached me from the other end of the diner I could tell he was going to talk to me. I'm now face to face with him and he says, "You have beautiful blue eyes" and he kept walking!
I called out to him, "My eyes are brown!" For some reason, this cracked up all the people in the diner. Fade out.......

Now, it's early this morning, The Girl is awake and she says, "I had a dream about one of the Baldwins"......her Baldwin dream was like this....
The Girl and I were at the movies and this Baldwin sits in front of us. At the end of the movie this Baldwin stands up and says to The Girl, "Would you like to go to the next movie with me?"...she answers, "I can't, I am with someone and we have plans, but thanks!". I think I might have been in the bathroom during this exchange, I can't remember what she said now. That's not what's important. There are 2 points here that interest me:
1. We BOTH had dreams about BALDWINS! That's crazy random, right? Granted, different Baldwins but Baldwins none the less. Kismet, I'm telling ya.
2. When this random BALDWIN asked The Girl out, her response was , "I'm with SOMEONE"
Is it me or is that an odd answer? "someone"...I"m "someone." Ok, so this was a dream. And imagine my angst if she had accepted the invitation? Oy....the "processing" that would of taken place.

Back to TaxHell....


Kristen said...

Did you just have a Baldwin movie marathon? That is STRANGE!

Depending on the Baldwin, maybe the girl should have said yes! ;-)

Alison... said...

very very strange. I can kinda see why you had the dream because you told me last night about how you wanted to rent every season of 30 rock because you think that is a good show and you wanted to get into it... maybe you mentioned this plan to Jenn????

What I don't get is why you would concern yourself with the fact that Jenn told Alec Baldwin in a dream that she is with 'someone'. Maybe she didn't want to have to explain her gayness to a man in her dream!


Alison... said...

OMG, just watched the celebrity bdays listed on ET... today - ALEC BALDWIN!

psycho psychics!

Accountant said...

Ok...Kristen, The Girl should only say YES to ME. Ever.
No marathon though we did watch Celebrity Apprentice last week and Stephen Baldwin is on that.

Alison...I want to watch 30Rock for Tina Fey. Anything with Tina Fey is brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone! I am going to have to start my own blog LOL I will say that I think it was strange. But I tend to be a bit on the strange side. So there is that.

Love reading both your blogs!