Wednesday, January 16, 2008

And the fun begins....

This is probably not the type of thing most people are interested in. Hell, sometimes I'm not all that interested but it's what I do, so, I'm going to share the excitement. You have no idea how much fun it can be here....preparing tax returns, telling clients how much $$ they owe, dealing with IRS agents. Oh, yes. It's like Christmas everyday. As we head into the busy season, I have staff issues, clients not paying and just a general feeling of malaise. (Good word, huh?)
I will probably have to start working weekends this coming weekend. What I'm trying to decide is what I want this blog to be about. Do I want to whine and complain or do I want to offer helpful tax advice?
I think whining wins.
Hands down.
: )
No, not really. I think I might like to offer amusing client stories (no names!), record some personal info and give book recommendations/reviews.
I have experienced some MAJOR life changes this past year.....I have a lot to reflect on and much to be thankful for. As we go along, I'll pick a topic and get it all out.
You, lucky reader (maybe ONE will show up!), get to come along for the ride.
I'm thinking there will be bumps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm reading; Jerry.
I'm reading