Sunday night The Girl and I went to Brenda's to construct gingerbread houses with the kids. This is a holiday tradition that has evolved into a "contest" of sorts. Brenda gets the graham crackers, mixed the icing and prepares the base. We bring the candy for decorating and an enthusiam to WIN! Just kidding....we also brought wine. This year was a little different with my father getting into it as well. I kept my house small (everyone else tried to build large houses, and they promptly fell apart....too bad for them!) and concentrate on the decorating details. Tha above pic is before the final touches. Oh, yes. It gets better!
Brenda had the most trouble with keeping her house standing.....she was getting very aggravated, as you can tell by the look on her face.

My father built a house. Hard to really tell in that pic but his decorations were haphazard at best.
Obviously he was extremely proud of his accomplishment. Eh...it was ok, I guess. My mother was just hoping the whole didn't end up on her head!! Now THAT would of been funny!
Here is another picture of the winning house (my house). The judging was totally impartial....I declared myself the winner and that was that. I think I did a pretty, pretty, pretty good job.
Of course I had some help from The Girl...she was sort of the runner...helping out where necessary. I find doing the holiday stuff with The Girl so twinkley....and it's a reminder (you think I need one??) of how lucky I am to have her to share it all with. I'm very lucky.
And I build a mean gingerbread house.
Pretty Pretty good!
Your house came out actually very well...
Looks like good wholesome family fun!
I am not so sure "family" and "fun" belong in the same sentence.
: )
What a funny post!! I laughed through the whole thing. Your family is so cute!
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